Whether you’re a first-time mother or an experienced mother, pregnancy is a tightrope walk every time. The first trimester is particularly the most challenging and exciting. There are so many visible and invisible changes happening inside and outside of a pregnant woman’s body, it can be a very overwhelming experience. In this blog, we walk you through what to expect from the rollercoaster ride that the first trimester of your pregnancy will turn out to be.
Much before the emotional merry-go-round starts inside your mind in full effect, the first trimester of pregnancy will have the most transformative impact on your body. So, don’t be alarmed! It is all part of the experience, sit back and relax.
- As soon your pregnancy begins, your hormones will somersault in all ways possible. As a result, your breasts may become sensitive or swollen. However, the discomfort will abate as soon your body has gotten used to the hormonal changes.
- Morning sickness is the most common after-effect that you will have to deal with during your first trimester. Also, be warned that despite being called “morning sickness,” it is a recurring occurrence that can happen morning, noon, and night. Morning sickness usually starts after the first month of pregnancy. The upheavals in your hormonal levels are what triggers bouts of morning sickness. To mitigate the morning sickness episodes, it is recommended that you don’t have an empty stomach. Develop a habit to slowly eat small meals at 2-hour intervals. Make sure that your meals are low-fat. Avoid foods that may aggravate your nausea. Also, ensure that your body is well-hydrated; drink fluids regularly.
- Don’t be alarmed if you find yourself urinating more than usual. The increased intake of fluids and the increased amounts of blood going around in your body can cause your kidneys to work overtime thus keeping your bladder full frequently.
- The progesterone hormone levels shoot up significantly in the early months of your pregnancy. This may lead you to experience increased sleepiness and tiredness. Maintaining a healthy diet and doing exercise are useful remedies that can keep you feeling energized.
- When you’re pregnant, it is common for you to discover that your food cravings keep tipping over either way. Sometimes you may feel the urge to fill your belly with sweet treats. On other days, you might crave the taste of food that’s sour or salty. Change in taste preferences is an expected consequence. Also, be prepared to deal with smell sensitivity. You may develop an aversion to certain food smells and odors; make sure to steer clear of them.
- A pregnancy very well has the potential to make your heart feel full of all kinds of womanly and motherly sentiments. While that’s a good thing to deal with, let us also tell you that you may have to put up with heartburn as well. But don’t worry because it a hormone-induced reaction. To keep it at bay we advise you to eat small meals frequently and stay away from foods that spicy, fried, and citrusy.
With the deluge of hormonal and bodily changes, don’t get upset, it is all a part of the first trimester changes that your body is undergoing. Knowing about these changes helps to be prepared and take them in your stride. Remember, it will all be worth it in the end!
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